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『Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha'』



浪花男子(Naniwa Danshi)是日本星達拓娛樂旗下的七人男子團體,由藤原丈一郎、道枝駿佑、大橋和也、大西流星、西畑大吾、長尾謙杜、高橋恭平組成。團體於2018年成立、2021年正式出道,並以大阪的古稱「浪花」來命名,強調其成員皆來自關西地區,並擁有深厚的關西文化背景。

浪花男子不僅在日本擁有廣大歌迷,他們的魅力也逐漸擴展到亞洲其他國家和地區。2024年巡演「なにわ男子 LIVE TOUR 2024 ʻ+Alphaʼ」在日本國內9個城市舉辦了42場演出,總參與人數預估將高達43萬4千人,不僅止步於此,浪花男子將首次踏出日本,展開亞洲巡迴演唱會『Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha'』,為台北、首爾、香港三地帶來精彩的演出!



售票將分為「台灣在住登記抽選」,「全球登記抽選」,「復活抽選」及最後「一般販售」共四階段。「台灣在住登記抽選」將限制持有「台灣身分證」或持有「台灣居留證」者登記;「全球登記抽選」將全數開放連海外人士皆可參加登記。登記抽選結果公開後可於Ticket Plus遠大售票系統個人訂單頁面查詢,獲得購票資格後需於規定時間內付款即可完成購票,未中選者將不會另行通知。

請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非Ticket Plus遠大售票正式授權售票之通路及網站上進行購票,除可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛外,為避免影響自身權益,請勿以身試法。若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及遠大售票概不負責,亦無法受理退票及退款。



為落實實名制相關購票規定及保障所有參與者之權益,若您實名制資料填寫有誤敬請於登記期間至Ticket Plus遠大售票個人頁面修改為正確資訊。若超過可修改資料之指定時間、或為已付款完成之訂單,恕無法再進行任何資料異動。若於結帳後發現資料有誤者請依照頁面中之退票規定進行退票,敬請見諒。



  • 為配合演出團隊及舞台設計等需求,實際舞台形狀有可能與圖面相異之情況,敬請考量及理解後再進行登記抽選購票。圖面僅供示意,實際舞台形狀將以現場搭設狀況為主。謝謝。
  • ※原訂 #可能 為視線不良區之紅2B、紫2B,經近日與日方團隊確認,已知為非視線不良區,「紅2B、紫2B」將列入配位區域。當日該區之觀眾若有視線不良區之疑慮,請於開演10分鐘之內洽現場工作人員提出,經工作人員判定如確認為視線不良區位者,消費者得辦理全額退票。若開演後10分鐘內無提出者,視同同意該區位安排。恕不接受事後依視線不良為由要求退票。





  • 參加身份:持有「台灣身分證」、「台灣居留證」者
  • 登記抽選:2024年9月2日(一)10:00~2024年9月4日(三)10:00
  • 結果公布:2024年9月9日(一)12:00後中選者將陸續成立待繳費訂單及以EMAIL和簡訊通知,並可於Ticket Plus遠大售票系統之『我的訂單』頁面查詢,若中選將會顯示「待繳款訂單」,未中選者,則不另行通知。預計將於2024年9月9日(一)15:00前全數通知完畢,通知完畢後將於遠大本場演唱會售票頁面公告。
  • 結帳期間:2024年9月9日(一)確認中選後~2024年9月11日(三)19:00截止



  • 參加身份:持有「台灣身分證」、「台灣居留證」者及海外人士 (限「台灣在住登記抽選」未中選者)
  • 登記抽選:2024年9月12日(四)10:00~2024年9月14日(六)10:00
  • 結果公布:2024年9月16日(一)12:00後中選者將陸續成立待繳費訂單及以EMAIL和簡訊通知,並可於Ticket Plus遠大售票系統之『我的訂單』頁面查詢,若中選將會顯示「待繳款訂單」,未中選者,則不另行通知。預計將於2024年9月16日(一)15:00前全數通知完畢,通知完畢後將於遠大本場演唱會售票頁面公告。
  • 結帳期間:2024年9月16日(一)確認中選後~2024年9月18日(三)19:00截止



結果公布:2024年9月19日(四)起至2024年9月21日(六)每日15:00起將陸續成立待繳費訂單及以EMAIL、簡訊通知,預計於當日18:00前全數通知完畢,通知完畢後將於遠大本場演唱會售票頁面公告。請至Ticket Plus遠大售票系統『我的訂單』頁面確認,若中選將會顯示「待繳費訂單」,未中選者,則不另行通知。








  • 將依照登記訂單抽選,中選訂單將會依照該登記票價區域進行電腦隨機配位,恕無法自行選擇及更換區域和位置。
  • 台灣在住登記者將於2024年9月9日(一)12:00後;全球登記者將於2024年9月16日(一)12:00後,中選者將陸續收到EMAIL及簡訊通知,並於Ticket Plus遠大售票系統之『我的訂單』頁面顯示中選成功待繳款訂單。(未中選者,將不另行通知,且『我的訂單』頁面不會顯示待繳款訂單)
  • 通知信及簡訊僅提供通知輔助之用,未收到不代表未中選。請至Ticket Plus遠大售票系統『我的訂單』頁面查詢。


  • 請於各階段結帳期間截止前儘速至Ticket Plus遠大售票『我的訂單』確認訂單資訊無誤後再進行繳費,繳費流程請至Ticket Plus遠大售票頁面查詢。
  • 付款方式:接受信用卡(VISA/MASTER/JCB)支付、ATM虛擬帳號。(首次付款時可選擇您的付款方式,選擇後將無法變更,請確認後再進行付款。)
  • 信用卡付款訂單不論是否收到銀行授權成功通知,刷卡交易的成功與否皆以Ticket Plus遠大售票系統『我的訂單』顯示之付款狀態為主。
  • 訂單付款狀態顯示為「已付款」表示付款成功。
  • 訂單付款狀態顯示為「待繳費」,請在訂單下方的付款方式欄位選擇「立即付款」。
  • 訂單付款狀態顯示為「付款失敗」,可於繳費期間內重新繳費,若超過繳費時間尚未付款,將自動視為放棄購買,票券將會釋放回系統。
  • ATM虛擬帳號付款:

    僅限於台灣金融機構開戶所核發之提款卡並已開通「非約定帳戶轉帳」之功能,請依Ticket Plus遠大售票系統『我的訂單』顯示之「銀行帳號」、「銀行代碼」於「匯款期限」內完成付款,系統將以款項實際入帳時間為準,請於繳費後一小時至Ticket Plus遠大售票系統『我的訂單』確認,請勿於「匯款期限」後付款或重複付款,各家銀行轉帳入帳時間不同,請盡早繳款以保障您的權益。轉帳時銀行會自動扣除跨行轉帳手續費$15元 (勿自行額外加在系統指示之轉帳金額中) 。

    訂單付款狀態顯示為「已付款」表示付款成功。 訂單付款狀態顯示為「待繳費」,請在訂單下方的付款方式欄位選擇「立即付款」。 訂單付款狀態顯示為「付款失敗」,表示超過繳費時間尚未付款,將自動視為放棄購買,票券將會釋放回系統。
  • 刷卡交易有付款失敗之可能,繳費後皆須等待金流端確認付款狀態,請勿過於接近截止時間繳費。
  • 中選者「證件姓名」及「證件號碼」若填寫有誤,請勿進行結帳,若已結帳者請於退票規定之退票期間內依照此活動退票辦法申請退票,請務必確認資料正確再進行結帳。
  • 整筆訂單須一起結帳,無法於中選後分開結帳,若有部分票券無需使用,請於整筆訂單結帳後於退票期限內依本活動退票規定申請部分票券退票。
  • 「證件姓名」、「證件號碼」恕不受理任何形式之資料變更申請亦不接收轉讓申請。請於確認實名制資料後再付款,以免因資料錯誤無法入場,如因資料錯誤無法入場,主辦單位及遠大售票概不負責。


  • 取票方式:ibon機台取票(手續費每筆$30/2張為限,於7-11超商門市付款時以現金方式支付。)
  • ibon機台開放取票時間:

    2024年11月30日(六)場次:2024年11月11日(一) 09:00 至 2024年11月30日(六)22:00

    2024年12月1日(日)場次:2024年11月11日(一) 09:00 至 2024年12月1日(日)22:00

  • ibon機台取票流程說明:

    於ibon機台點選:訂票/取票/訂房→售票系統→取票→Ticket Plus遠大售票系統。

    請依照系統畫面指示,分別輸入【手機號碼】及【取票號碼】,並列印取票繳費單。(取票號碼,可於Ticket Plus遠大售票系統頁面【我的訂單】中查看)



    7-11超商ibon機台取票流程(7-11 supermarket ibon machine ticket collection process)

  • 付款完成之訂單,逾期未取票者視同售出,恕不接受退換票或退費。
  • 現場無提供取票服務,請於開演前完成取票。


  • 本活動11月30日場次預計於17:30開放入場,12月1日場次預計於15:30開放入場。實際入場時間依現場公告為準。
  • 台灣在住參加者入場時請攜帶可證明本人之身份證件正本(僅限身分證、駕照、健保卡)且證件上需有可辨識為本人之照片,與票券上姓名及證件號碼核對皆正確後方可入場。若經現場工作人員判定證件上照片與本人長相落差太大,則可能會有不能入場的狀況發生,建議攜帶有近期照片之證件。未攜帶「實體」身份證件恕無法入場。
  • 台灣在住參加者除姓名包含生僻字、特殊字者可接受護照核對姓名及身分證字號外,其餘台灣在住參加者不得使用護照核對入場。
  • 持有「台灣居留證」參加者入場時請攜帶可證明本人之身份證件正本(居留證及護照)且證件上需有可辨識為本人之照片,且僅限核對與登記抽選資料相同之居留證及護照正本,恕不接受因證件更換等理由使用新證件核對入場,經工作人員核對資料與票券上姓名及居留證證件號碼及護照號碼皆正確後方可入場。若經現場工作人員判定證件上照片與本人長相落差太大,則可能會有不能入場的狀況發生,建議攜帶有近期照片之證件。未攜帶身份證件恕無法入場。
  • 海外人士參加者入場時請攜帶可證明本人之身份證件正本(僅限護照)且證件上需有可辨識為本人之照片,與票券上姓名及證件號碼核對皆正確後方可入場。若經現場工作人員判定證件上照片與本人長相落差太大,則可能會有不能入場的狀況發生,建議攜帶有近期照片之證件。未攜帶身份證件恕無法入場。
  • 海外人士參加者入場核對護照資料,僅限核對與登記抽選資料相同之護照正本,恕不接受因護照更換等理由使用新護照核對入場。
  • 購買身心障礙票券者(含輪椅席),入場時請出示身心障礙證明正本及身分證進場,若有陪伴者,須一同入場查驗(恕無法單獨持票進場)。
  • 入場驗票時,僅接受「台灣身分證件」、「台灣居留證」、「外國籍護照」正本,不接受出示任何影本、截圖、亦或是健保快易通APP、網路銀行登入畫面提供。若參加者無法出示證件正本,將視為放棄入場權益,不得退款或變更。
  • 若參加者本人在演出入場驗票時,無法出示證件正本,或票券上的「證件姓名」、「證件號碼」與出示的證件不符,皆視為放棄入場權益,不得要求退款、變更或轉讓給他人。
  • 參加者姓名包含生僻字、特殊字而無法於票券上印製或是出現問號,可由現場工作人員判斷,確認無誤後即可入場。
  • 演唱會票券為個人使用,實名制票券不得轉讓他人。


  • 請務必注意演出當日恐會有包含觀眾席在內的全場攝錄影,並有上傳至公開頁面、媒體、電視頻道等各媒介的可能性。一旦購票即視同同意主辦單位及主辦單位授權之第三人,得就該演出進行中為全程攝錄影,並同意就該全程攝錄影所涉及其個人肖像權等,無條件授權主辦單位及主辦單位授權之第三人得於電視、廣播及網站等進行重製、公開播送、公開傳輸及進行其他必要之改作、重製、編輯等即作為內外部參考紀錄或商品化、宣傳等用途,且得於各種媒體、媒介上無償並無限次數使用。
  • 一人一票,憑票入場,未滿7歲不得入場,滿7歲以上需購票入場,依台北小巨蛋場地規定:身高110公分以下兒童,不得進入3樓各區,以維護其安全。票券視同有價證券,請妥善保存,如發生遺失、損毀、破損、燒毀或無法辨識等狀況,一律不予重新開票。任意塗改、影印或套印、掃描複製票劵,均屬無效票。
  • 現場舞台視線若有不良(在未公告的視線不良區域外),必須在開演10分鐘內向現場工作人員提出。經工作人員判定如確認為視線不良區位者,將視情況調整區位;若無區位可以更換,消費者得辦理全額退票。若無提出者,視同同意該區位安排。
  • 不得攜帶專業攝錄影音電子設備(為維護節目品質手機敬請關機或調至靜音模式)進入場館,活動現場嚴禁使用任何媒介及形式之直播、拍照、攝錄影、錄音等行為。如經查獲,將由工作人員留置器材保管並強制曝光底片或強制刪除記憶卡中所拍攝/錄製之內容,且若有器械損壞與遺失概不負責,主辦單位並保留法律追訴權。屢勸不聽者將請出場不予退票。
  • 若超過退票期限,將不受理任何理由、形式(如疾病、意外等)之退票,敬請確認好自身狀況再進行購票。若有不可抗力之因素(如國家教育召集、人身事故等),請於演出至少一週前來信至遠大客服中心,並附上相關證明,將由主辦單位判斷是否受理。
  • 館內全面禁菸、飲酒,禁止嚼食檳榔且禁止攜帶飲食(瓶裝水除外)。
  • 本活動禁止攜帶金屬、玻璃、寶特瓶容器、雷射筆、煙火或任何危險物品入場。
  • 大件行李(行李袋、行李箱等)一律禁止帶入場內,且不開放寄物,如有寄物需求敬請善用會場及車站內置物櫃。
  • 請妥善保管自身財物,若有遺失或毀損,主辦單位與會場方皆不負擔保管責任。
  • 為安全考量,活動演出時敬請各位觀眾遵守小巨蛋規範,2、3樓觀眾勿站立跺腳,並以揮手或鼓掌取代跳動。
  • 基於安全因素,演出時主辦單位有權檢查隨身行李、箱包等。
  • 若無法服從工作人員的指示及警告,主辦單位有權禁止其入場及退場。若因違反以上注意事項,所要求的退費及其他衍生費用將一概不予補償。
  • 消費者必須以真實姓名購票及填寫有效個人資訊,一旦以虛假資料購買票券已經涉及「偽造私文書罪」,依照刑法第二百十條:「偽造、變造私文書,足以生損害於公眾或他人者,處五年以下有期徒刑。」 ,主辦單位及Ticket Plus遠大售票皆有權利立即取消該消費者訂單,請勿以身試法!
  • 各表演場館各有其入場規定,請持票人遵守之,遲到觀眾需遵守館方管制。
  • 相關規定以活動官網及現場公告為主,主辦單位保留加場、修改、終止及本活動相關演出內容之權利。
  • 若有任何形式非供自用而加價轉售(無論加價名目為代購費、交通費、補貼等均包含在內)之情事經查屬實者,將依社會秩序維護法第64條第2款逕向警方檢舉。
  • 購票前請詳閱本活動網頁及售票頁面之相關注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意上述所有活動注意事項,並對於本契約內容頁已充分瞭解,則視為已經過一日以上之審閱期間。若無法服從工作人員的指示及警告,主辦單位有權禁止其入場及退場,並不予退票。





Japanese popular boy group Naniwa Danshi kicks off their "Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha'" with their first stop at Taipei Arena!

They will perform spectacularly over two consecutive days, November 30th and December 1st!

Naniwa Danshi is a seven-member male idol group under the STARTO ENTERTAINMENT. The group consists of JOICHIRO FUJIWARA, SHUNSUKE MICHIEDA, KAZUYA OHASHI, RYUSEI ONISHI, DAIGO NISHIHATA, KENTO NAGAO, and KYOHEI TAKAHASHI. Formed in 2018 and officially debuted in 2021, the group is named after "Naniwa," the old name for Osaka, emphasizing that all its members hail from the Kansai region and have deep cultural roots in the Kansai area.

Naniwa Danshi has a strong following not only in Japan but also gradually expanding their charm to other Asian countries and regions. The 2024 tour, "Naniwa Danshi LIVE TOUR 2024 '+Alpha'," will be held across nine cities in Japan, with an estimated total attendance of 434,000 people. Beyond this, Naniwa Danshi will step out of Japan for the first time to embark on their Asia tour, "Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha'," bringing exciting performances to Taipei, Seoul, and Hong Kong!


This event will use a real-name ticketing and lottery system. To protect your rights, please carefully read the ticketing page regulations before registering for the lottery.

Ticket sales will be divided into four phases: "Registration Lottery for Local only" "Registration Lottery for Global" "Revival Lottery," and finally "General Sale." The "Registration Lottery for Local only" is restricted to those with a Taiwanese ID or a Taiwanese residence certificate ; the "Registration Lottery for Global" is open to everyone, including those abroad. After the lottery results are announced, you can check your ticket eligibility on your “My Order” of the Ticket Plus website. If you are selected, you must complete the payment within the specified time to finalize your purchase. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified.

Do not purchase tickets from auction sites or unauthorized channels other than Ticket Plus, as this may lead to fraud or transaction disputes. To avoid issues affecting your rights, please refrain from attempting unauthorized purchases. The organizer and Ticket Plus will not be responsible for entry issues or other problems at the event and cannot process refunds or returns.

The relevant regulations will be based on the event's official website and on-site announcements. The organizer reserves the right to add shows, modify, or terminate the event and its content.

Please read the notes on the ticketing page carefully before purchasing. By successfully purchasing a ticket, you agree to all event-related terms and conditions. Failure to follow staff instructions or warnings may result in being denied entry or expulsion without a refund.

To comply with real-name ticketing regulations and protect the rights of all participants, please correct any errors in your personal information during the registration period. Changes cannot be made after the specified correction period or for completed orders. If errors are found after checkout, please follow the refund procedures outlined on the page. We appreciate your understanding.

Depending on the ticket sales situation, general sales may not be implemented.

Ticket Information

  • Please note that the actual stage shape may differ from the chart due to the needs of the performance team and stage design. Consider this and understand before registering for the lottery. The chart is for reference only; the actual stage setup will be based on the on-site arrangement. Thank you.
  • The originally designated areas "Red 2B" and "Purple 2B" were initially withheld from sale due to potential obstructed views. However, these areas will now be sold as regular seating. If on the day of the concert, you have concerns about visibility in these areas, please report to the nearest staff within 10 minutes after the performance begins. If the staff confirms that your seat has an obstructed view, a full refund will be provided. Please note that if no report is made within 10 minutes after the performance starts, no refunds or any further action will be taken based on obstructed view concerns thereafter.

Registration for Lottery-Based Purchase Qualification

We would like to remind all participants registering for the lottery for Super Dome and BIG ART events that the lottery-based registration system is designed to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to participate without the pressure of time constraints. Therefore, please carefully assess your willingness and availability to attend before registering to avoid the burden of random withdrawals after winning, which could prevent others still waiting from securing a spot in the first phase.

In the future, those who frequently win the lottery but then arbitrarily withdraw or fail to complete payment will be placed on a special list. Super Dome and BIG ART reserve the right to refuse further lottery participation for such individuals. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Registration Lottery for Local only

  • Registration page:link
  • Eligibility: Holders of a "Taiwan ID" or "Taiwan Residence Certificate"
  • Registration Period: September 2, 2024 (Monday) 10:00 AM to September 4, 2024 (Wednesday) 10:00 AM
  • Results Announcement: After 12:00 PM on September 9, 2024 (Monday), successful applicants will have a pending payment order created and will be notified via email and SMS. You can also check your status on the "My Orders" page of the Ticket Plus system. If selected, a "Pending Payment Order" will appear. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified. All notifications are expected to be completed by 3:00 PM on September 9, 2024 (Friday). After notifications are complete, the results will be posted on the Ticket Plus website.
  • Payment Period: After confirming selection on September 9, 2024 (Monday) until September 11, 2024 (Wednesday) 7:00 PM

Note: After this phase ends, the registration list for the first phase will become invalid. If you do not win in this phase but still wish to attend the event, please re-register during the next phase of "Registration for Lottery-Based Purchase Qualification."

Registration Lottery for Global

  • Registration page:link
  • Eligibility: Global
  • Only those who did not win in the "Registration Lottery for Local only" may participate.
  • Registration Period: September 12, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00 AM to September 14, 2024 (Saturday) 10:00 AM
  • Results Announcement: After 12:00 PM on September 16, 2024 (Monday), successful applicants will have a pending payment order created and will be notified via email and SMS. You can also check your status on the "My Orders" page of the Ticket Plus system. If selected, a "Pending Payment Order" will appear. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified. All notifications are expected to be completed by 3:00 PM on September 16, 2024 (Monday). After notifications are complete, the results will be posted on the concert's ticketing page of Ticket Plus.
  • Payment Period: After confirming selection on September 16, 2024 (Monday) until September 18, 2024 (Wednesday) 7:00 PM

Revival Lottery

If there are any remaining tickets after the phase registration and the payment deadline of 7:00 PM on September 18, 2024 (Wednesday), these tickets, along with unpaid and system-returned tickets, will be available for multiple rounds of revival lottery!

Results Announcement: From September 19, 2024 (Monday) to September 21, 2024 (Saturday), pending payment orders will be created daily starting at 3:00 PM, with notifications sent via email and SMS. All notifications are expected to be completed by 6:00 PM on the same day. After notifications are complete, the results will be posted on the Ticket Plus website. Please check the "My Orders" page of the Ticket Plus website to confirm if you have been selected, where a "Pending Payment Order" will appear. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified.

Payment Period: From the time of notification until 12:00 PM the following day. Depending on ticket availability, the lottery may conclude earlier than expected.

【General Sale】

Ticketing Page: link

Ticket Sales Start Time: October 5, 2024 (Saturday) at 12:00 PM

※ The tickets available in this phase are the remaining tickets after the lottery-based registration phases.

※ Depending on the ticket sales situation, general sales may not be implemented.

【Notification of Winning】

  • The lottery will be conducted based on the registration order. Winning orders will be randomly assigned seats within the registered ticket price category by the system. You will not be able to choose or change your seating area or position.
  • For local-phase registrants, notifications will be sent after 12:00 PM on September 9, 2024 (Monday). For global-phase registrants, notifications will be sent after 12:00 PM on September 16, 2024 (Monday). Those selected will receive notifications via EMAIL and SMS, and a pending payment order will be displayed on the "My Orders" of the Ticket Plus website. (Unsuccessful participants will not be notified, and the "My Orders" page will not display a pending payment order.)
  • The notification email and SMS are provided for your convenience. Not receiving them does not mean you were not selected. Please check the "My Orders" section of your member account on the Ticket Plus website to verify your status.

【Payment Method】

  • Please review your order information on the "My Orders" page before making payment as soon as possible within the payment period for each phase. For payment procedures, please refer to the Ticket Plus website.
  • Payment Methods: Credit cards (VISA/MASTER/JCB) and ATM virtual accounts are accepted. (You can choose your payment method during the first payment; once selected, it cannot be changed, so please confirm before proceeding.)
  • For credit card payments, regardless of whether you receive a successful authorization notification from the bank, the success of the transaction is determined by the payment status displayed in "My Orders" of the Ticket Plus website.
  • If the payment status shows "Paid," the payment was successful.
  • If the payment status shows "Pending Payment," select "Pay Now" in the payment method field at the bottom of the order.
  • If the payment status shows "Payment Failed," you can try to make the payment again within the payment period. If payment is not completed by the deadline, the purchase will be automatically forfeited, and the tickets will be released back into the system.
  • ATM Virtual Account Payment:

    This option is only available for ATM cards issued by Taiwanese financial institutions with the "non-designated account transfer" function enabled. Please complete the payment by entering the "Bank Account Number" and "Bank Code" displayed in "My Orders" within the "Remittance Deadline."

    The system will confirm the payment based on the actual time the funds are credited. After making the payment, please check the "My Orders" page within an hour. Do not make payments after the "Remittance Deadline" or duplicate payments. Since transfer times vary by bank, please make the payment as early as possible to protect your rights. An interbank transfer fee of $15 TWD will be automatically deducted by the bank (do not add this fee to the transfer amount indicated by the system).
  • If the payment status shows "Paid," the payment was successful.
  • If the payment status shows "Pending Payment," select "Pay Now" in the payment method field at the bottom of the order.
  • If the payment status shows "Payment Failed," it means the payment deadline was missed, and the purchase will be automatically forfeited, with the tickets released back into the system.
  • Credit card transactions may occasionally fail. After making a payment, please wait for confirmation from the payment processor and avoid making payments too close to the deadline.
  • If there are errors in the "ID Name" or "ID Number" fields, do not proceed with payment. If you have already made a payment, please apply for a refund during the refund period according to the refund policy of this event. Please ensure that your information is correct before making payment.
  • The entire order must be paid for at once; partial payments after winning are not allowed. If you do not need some of the tickets, you may apply for a partial refund following the refund policy of this event after completing payment for the entire order.
  • No changes or transfers of "ID Name" or "ID Number" information will be accepted in any form. Please ensure your real-name information is correct before making payment to avoid entry issues. If entry is denied due to incorrect information, the organizer and the Ticket Plus system will not be responsible.

【Ticket Collection Method】

  • Collect tickets at an ibon machine (handling fee: $30 per transaction, limited to 2 tickets, payable in cash at 7-Eleven stores).
  • ibon Machine Ticket Collection Hours:

    For the November 30, 2024 performance: Tickets available from November 11, 2024, 09:00 AM to November 30, 2024, 10:00 PM.

    For the December 1, 2024 performance: Tickets available from November 11, 2024, 09:00 AM to December 1, 2024, 10:00 PM.

  • ibon Machine Ticket Collection Process:

    At the ibon machine, select:Ticket Booking/Collection/Reservation → Ticketing System → Collect Ticket → Ticket Plus.

    Follow the on-screen instructions to enter your mobile phone number and collection number , then print the ticket payment slip. (The collection number can be viewed on the Ticket Plus system under My Orders.)

    Take the payment slip to the store counter to pay and collect your ticket.

    For overseas mobile numbers: Add the country code before your number. For example, if your phone number is 123456789 and the country code is +81, enter the number as 81123456789.

    7-Eleven supermarket ibon machine ticket collection process.

  • Orders that are not collected by the deadline will be considered as sold. No exchanges or refunds will be accepted.
  • No on-site ticket collection service is available. Please complete ticket collection before the performance starts.

【Entry Verification】

  • For the event on November 30th, entry is expected to open at 17:30. For the event on December 1st, entry is expected to open at 15:30. The actual entry times will be determined based on announcements at the venue.
  • Taiwanese Participants: When entering, Taiwanese participants must present an original identity document that can verify their identity (limited to National ID, driver's license, or health insurance card), and the document must include a recognizable photo of the participant. Entry will only be allowed if the name and ID number on the ticket match the details on the document. If the event staff determines that the photo on the ID is significantly different from the participant's current appearance, entry may be denied. It is recommended to bring a document with a recent photo. Entry will not be allowed without a physical ID document. Apart from those with rare or special characters in their names (who may use a passport for name and ID number verification), other Taiwanese participants may not use a passport for entry verification.
  • Participants with a Taiwan Residence Certificate: When entering, participants with a Taiwan Residence Certificate must present their original identity documents (residence certificate and passport), which must include a recognizable photo of the participant. Only the original residence permit and passport that match the information used for lottery registration will be accepted. Entry will not be allowed with a new document due to document replacement or other reasons. Entry will be permitted only if the event staff confirms that the name, residence certificate number, and passport number match those on the ticket. If the event staff determines that the photo on the ID is significantly different from the participant's current appearance, entry may be denied. It is recommended to bring a document with a recent photo. Entry will not be allowed without a physical ID document.
  • Foreign Participants: When entering, foreign participants must present their original identity document (limited to a passport), which must include a recognizable photo of the participant. Entry will only be allowed if the name and passport number on the ticket match the details on the document. If the event staff determines that the photo on the passport is significantly different from the participant's current appearance, entry may be denied. It is recommended to bring a document with a recent photo. Entry will not be allowed without a physical ID document. For foreign participants, entry verification will only accept the original passport that matches the information used for lottery registration. Entry will not be allowed with a new passport due to passport replacement or other reasons.
  • Participants with Disability Tickets (including wheelchair seats): When entering, participants with disability tickets must present the original disability certification and National ID. If accompanied by someone, they must enter together for verification (entry is not allowed if only the companion holds the ticket).
  • Verification During Entry: Only original "Taiwan ID," "Taiwan Residence Certificate," or "Foreign Passport" documents are accepted for entry verification. Photocopies, screenshots, the NHI Express app, or online banking login screens are not accepted. If a participant cannot present the original document, they will be deemed to have forfeited their entry rights, and no refunds or changes will be permitted.
  • If a participant is unable to present the original document at the time of entry or if the "ID Name" or "ID Number" on the ticket does not match the presented document, they will be deemed to have forfeited their entry rights. No refunds, changes, or transfers to others will be allowed.
  • If a participant's name contains rare or special characters that cannot be printed on the ticket or appear as question marks, event staff will verify the information on-site, and entry will be allowed if confirmed correct.
  • Concert tickets are for personal use only, and real-name tickets cannot be transferred to others.

【Important Notice】

  • Please be aware that on the day of the performance, there may be full venue filming, including the audience area. This footage may be uploaded to public pages, media, TV channels, and other platforms. By purchasing a ticket, you agree that the organizer and authorized third parties have the right to record the entire performance and to use your image for television, radio, websites, and other purposes, including reproduction, public broadcast, and necessary modifications or edits for internal or external reference, commercialization, or promotion. This footage may be used without compensation and without limit on various media platforms.
  • Each person must have a ticket to enter. Children under 7 years old are not allowed, and those 7 years old and above need a ticket to enter. According to Taipei Arena regulations, children under 110 cm in height are not allowed in the 3rd-floor areas for their safety. Tickets are considered valuable securities; please keep them safe. Lost, damaged, or destroyed tickets will not be reissued. Altered, photocopied, stamped, or scanned tickets are invalid.
  • If you have poor sightlines at the venue (excluding unannounced poor sightline areas), you must inform the staff within 10 minutes of the performance start. If the staff confirms the area as having poor sightlines, they will adjust seating if possible; if no alternative seating is available, a full refund can be processed. Failure to report will be considered acceptance of the assigned seating.
  • Professional recording devices are not allowed (to maintain program quality, please turn off or mute your phone). Live streaming, photographing, recording, or audio recording is prohibited. If caught, staff will confiscate devices and delete the recorded content. The organizer is not responsible for damaged or lost equipment and reserves the right to take legal action. Persistent offenders will be asked to leave without a refund.
  • No refunds will be processed after the refund deadline for any reason (illness, accidents, etc.). Please confirm your situation before purchasing tickets. For force majeure factors (such as national service or personal accidents), please email the customer service center at least one week before the performance with relevant proof for evaluation by the organizer.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol, betel nut chewing, and bringing food and drink (except bottled water) are prohibited in the venue.
  • Metal, glass, plastic bottles, laser pointers, fireworks, or any dangerous items are not allowed.
  • Large luggage (bags, suitcases, etc.) is not allowed in the venue, and no baggage storage is available. Please use lockers at the venue or station for such needs.
  • Please keep your belongings secure. The organizer and venue are not responsible for lost or damaged items.
  • For safety reasons, during the performance, please follow the venue's regulations. Spectators on the 2nd and 3rd floors should not stand or stomp; instead, use hand waving or clapping.
  • For safety reasons, the organizer has the right to inspect personal bags and luggage.
  • Failure to follow staff instructions and warnings may result in being prohibited from entry or ejection from the venue. No refunds or compensation for any costs resulting from violations of these terms.
  • Consumers must purchase tickets and provide accurate personal information. Using false information involves criminal offenses under Article 210 of the Penal Code. The organizer and Ticket Plus reserve the right to cancel orders if false information is used.
  • Each venue has its entry regulations. Ticket holders must comply, and latecomers will follow venue control.
  • Regulations are subject to changes on the official event website and on-site announcements. The organizer reserves the right to add shows, modify, or terminate the event and related performances.
  • Any resale of tickets for profit (including surcharges for purchase, transportation, or subsidies) will be reported to the police under Article 64, Clause 2 of the Social Order Maintenance Act.
  • Please read the event webpage and ticketing page details carefully before purchasing. Successful purchase implies acceptance of all event terms and understanding of this agreement as having undergone a review period of at least one day. Failure to follow staff instructions and warnings may result in prohibition of entry and ejection from the venue, with no refunds.

【Contact us】

If you have any questions about the concert or need assistance, please contact us at the following customer service email addresses.

※We will respond to your inquiry within 1 to 3 business days after receiving your message. We appreciate your understanding.

Feel free to follow Super Dome and BIG ART's official Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest information and announcements!